
Assessorato alle Politiche Giovanili del Comune di Bergamo

Project date

Two days of workshops to steer the work of an organisation dedicated to contemporary art production and curatorship

The Project

After a number of shared experiences, several associations of young contemporary art professionals came together to form a coordination panel, under the umbrella of the Comune di Bergamo’s youth policies sector. The objective was to identify a development and positioning strategy for the panel, along with shared governance.


Over recent years, the Bergamo area has boosted its cultural offer with contents and players from younger age brackets within the local population. The five associations that decided to form the panel are part of this community too. They decided to work together with a view to optimising resources and reaching a broader audience.

In order to develop a shared offer, the associations identified the need to:

·        Pinpoint shared objectives to guide the planning activities
·        Develop a shared system of values
·        Come up with a short and long-term action plan
·        Draw up a shared and sustainable governance scheme


Bergamo’s Assessorato alle Politche Giovanili [Office for Youth Policies] invited BAM! Strategie Culturali to work alongside the associations for a short period, helping them to develop the panel’s activities. Thanks to capacity building and discussion, meetings in the form of workshops and intermediate reports, BAM! is supporting the associations during the initial phase of identifying their needs, expectations, values and critical elements.

The findings will make it possible to draw up network governance plans, bringing them closer to establishing their first project proposals.

Ph. Maddalena Bianchetti / HG80

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