  • Amici di Casa Jorn
  • Soprintendenza ABAP delle Provincie di Imperia e Savona
  • Fondazione de Mari e Dialoghi d’arte
Project date

A project in the Ligurian hinterland involving artists of yesterday, citizens of today and the public of tomorrow

The Project

Workplaces,  a residency for artists and scholars of the twentieth century and in some cases of today: the villages and people of the western Ligurian hinterland are the protagonists of our project supported by the Fondazione Compagnia di San Paolo through the In Luce call for proposals, which promotes their cultural identities. We work with the local communities to ignite an awareness of the past, their legacy and the potential they have for both new forms of sustainable tourism and their own quality of life.


From community to post-community: Avanguardie a Ponente is a participatory process that supports the inhabitants, protagonists and promoters of a new form of tourism-cultural entrepreneurship linked to inhabiting and living in places, ready to convey and preserve local values. In short? Cultural citizenship.


For Avanguardie a Ponent we have:

  • written and put forward the cultural promotion project;
  • come up with the strategic communication plan;
  • created the coordinated identity for the project and the participatory action of the “citizenship schools”.

And we have done this with: Amici di Casa Jorn, Soprintendenza ABAP delle Provincie di Imperia e Savona, Fondazione de Mari and Dialoghi d’arte.



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