The cycle of meetings forming part of the Reset project began on Monday 16 May 2022, with the thematic workshop on Sustainable Tourism held by Ideazione Srl
The Reset project
At the end of 2020, in response to the pandemic emergency, the Fondazione Monte Dei Paschi di Siena launched Reset, a call for proposals targeted at Sienese cultural organisations with the aim of boosting their presence in the cultural context and supporting them in achieving economic sustainability.
Its development was entrusted to Dinamica, the network of consulting companies consisting of BAM!, Ideazione, Melting Pro and Kilowatt. A new phase began in 2022 with the involvement of project partners in various strategic activities to support Sienese cultural organisations.
Crossing Siena – themed workshops
Within the context of this project, the “Crossing Siena” cycle of meetings will be organised between May and July 2022, with the aim of exposing Sienese cultural organisations to issues of primary importance in the cultural sector. Each of the discussion sessions will be designed and moderated by one of the companies in the Dinamica network.
These meetings will involve national experts and exemplary case studies. Together with other operators in the area not strictly related to the cultural sector, they will help to foster knowledge and lead to the activation of innovative collaborations.
BAM! and the themed workshops
Specifically, BAM! will be responsible for organising, holding and moderating two meetings: the first focusing on the topic of Digital transformation, to be held on Wednesday 26 May from 2 p.m. to 5:30 p.m., the second on the topic of Training and community empowerment (scheduled for the end of July).
The Digital Transformation workshop will feature guest speakers selected from the most innovative and interesting organisations within the regional and national context: Iolanda Pensa (Chair of Wikimedia Italia), Susanna Giaccai (Wikimedia Italia) Sam Habibi Minelli (Gruppo Meta), Andrea Dresseno (Director of Ivipro), Flavio Lampus (Santa Chiara Lab Università di Siena).
Their speeches will focus on testimonials, case studies and insights regarding digital innovation and technological implementation in the organisational fabric, to foster processes of transformation, growth and positioning.
Crossing Siena – The topics covered during the themed workshops will be:
• Sustainable tourism – Ideazione Srl
• Digital transformation – BAM! Strategie Culturali
• Audience data, from collection to strategy – Melting Pro
• Management and impact data – Ideazione Srl
• Culture and sustainable development – Melting Pro
• Education and community empowerment – BAM! Strategie Culturali