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Creative Ageing: the first map of creative ageing projects is now online

By 31 March 2021December 2nd, 2024No Comments

Download the project map and watch the Creative Ageing videos!


On 2 December 2020 BAM! Strategie Culturali and the Embassy and Consulate General of the Netherlands in Italy organised Creative Ageing: dialoghi e progetti su cultura e terza età: an opportunity to learn about innovative cultural projects dedicated to the elderly with a view to developing partnerships between Italy and the Netherlands.

As part of this initiative, an open call was launched to identify projects from all over Italy that had already been carried out in this field. More than 130 projects arrived and were arranged within a definitive map that illustrates all the activities carried out in Italy, from north to south.

The participants in the three round tables organised on 2 December were picked from these projects. The round tables were respectively dedicated to: Museums and cultural heritage, Performing arts, Creative industries and social innovation. Museums, theatre companies, policymakers and cultural mediators took part in the discussions, coming together to identify the strong points in their projects and to reach understandings with the Dutch Embassy for the development of future collaborations.


Below are the videos of the round tables, while at the bottom of the page you can see the Map of Italian projects dedicated to creative ageing:

Museums and cultural heritage

with Chiara Lachi, Museo Marino Marini; Cristina Bucci, Associazione L’Immaginario and Sistema Musei Toscani per l’Alzheimer; Irene Balzani, Fondazione Palazzo Strozzi; Mara D’Onofrio and Alfonso Trotta, ADA Associazione Diritti degli Anziani di Napoli; Marco Pierini and Giada Gatticchi, Galleria Nazionale dell’Umbria; Giuseppina di Gangi, Pinacoteca di Brera and Cristina Moretti, Alfabeti d’arte.

Performing Arts

with Roberto Casarotto, Dance Well | CSC Centro per la Scena Contemporanea Bassano del Grappa; Sandra Aloia, Compagnia di San Paolo; Vittoria Lombardi and Matteo Lanfranchi, Effetto Larsen; Giulio De Leo and Monica Filograno, Talos Festival; Claudia Monti e Marina Petrillo, Fondazione Luzzati Teatro della Tosse; Alessandro Manzella and Arianna Tagliaferro, Compagnie Malviste; Cristina Canziani and Angela Nasso, Camerata Ducale.

Creative industries and social innovation

with Anna Catalano, Associazione Metropolis Europa; Mary Zurigo and Michele Porcu, Z.E.A. Zone di Esplorazione Artistica; Paola Borrione, Fondazione Santagata; Carla Sedini, Politecnico di Milano.

Public session / closure of works

with Joost Flamand, Ambassador of the Netherlands in Italy; Lidian Fleers, Fonds voor Cultuurpartecipatie; Federico Borreani, BAM! Strategie Culturali; Alessandra Rossi Ghiglione, Cultural Welfare Center; moderated by Babs Van Lieshout conclusions by Bas Ernst, Ambassador of the Netherlands in Italy.

Link to the video on Facebook


Map of Italian cultural projects dedicated to creative ageing

Click here to download the map of Italian cultural projects dedicated to creative ageing.

This work brings together more than 130 projects from sixteen Italian regions, subdivided by cultural sector: Museums and cultural heritage, Performing arts, Creative industries and social innovation.

A brief introduction is proposed for each of these sectors, based on the results observed when comparing the various projects. The study aims to provide an initial overview that will enable the Dutch Embassy to identify the most suitable lines to be followed in the coming years with reference to creative ageing, introducing it to Italian cultural organisations with which it may wish to forge potential partnerships.