Questionnaire, interviews and a constantly updated model to study the digital transformation needs of cultural operators and develop new training pathways

The Project

Within the framework of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan, the Fondazione Scuola dei Beni e delle Attività Culturali is implementing Dicolab. Cultura al digitale, a training and skills improvement project targeted at civil servants, cultural sector operators, researchers and students, promoted by the Italian Ministry of Culture – Digital Library and financed by the European Union – Next Generation EU.

Both online training, thanks to a new e-learning platform, and classroom training focus on digital innovation at the service of cultural heritage. In line with the National Digitisation Plan, it offers system operators specific content tailored to the demands, requirements and needs highlighted by users from year to year.


To ensure that the specific topics and training methods are consistent with the real needs of current (and future) professionals in the cultural sector, the Fondazione commissioned BAM! to design and develop a training needs survey. The survey was carried out between September and November 2023, with the aim of mapping the level of knowledge and perceived relevance with respect to various digital transformation topics, thereby making it possible to develop the training programme for 2024.


To meet the Fondazione’s requirements, BAM!:

  • conducted an extensive training needs survey campaign via an online questionnaire (over 3000 questionnaires collected);
  • designed a specific communication campaign to publicise the questionnaire;
  • interviewed cultural sector and heritage digitisation experts to identify systemic needs and new development trends;
  • supported the Fondazione in identifying the main issues to be addressed through the training courses for 2024 and will continue to assist it over the next few years by periodically updating the model.



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